Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Are you singing in tune?

For those of you who are puzzled as to why you sometimes can't hear yourselves sing, and whether you are "in tune" or not, or whether the person next to you is way out of tune, you may be interested that there are many singing leaders and choral conductors discussing this very issue.

As we talked about last week over lunch, even large professional choirs full of large professional singers sometimes have moments of self doubt over whether they are singing on the right pitch or not, and the choral music industry is abuzz with little expensive devices that singers wear in rehearsal which tells them and the directors what they are singing.

As Morningsong grows larger in numbers, this is an issue which is going to come up more often, and so we are going to start a series of fabulous warm ups to help you "tune up" and give you the confidence of knowing when you are singing the right note.

For the current discussion among directors from all over the world, click here:

1 comment:

  1. Interersting read, thank you Jane! Maybe we need to have a longer exercise section at the begining of some sessions?
